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Fraud Prevention Ethics Hotline

If you are aware of an issue that may be deemed an act of misconduct, please voice your concerns.


Fraud Prevention Ethics Hotline

The Port of San Diego is committed to protecting the organization, its operations, its employees and its assets against fraud, abuse and waste. A constructive culture requires integrity in the administration of the Port's resources to ensure public trust. Fraud, abuse and waste are contrary to a constructive culture and will not be tolerated.


Ethics-Related Reporting

Fraud, Abuse, and Waste* - see definitions below.

If your concern is about fraud, abuse, and waste* you have four reporting options:

Phone: 888.203.8330


Fraud Ethics Reporting Click here

Or scan QR Code:

Fraud Ethics Reporting QR Code


The information provided will be processed by EthicsPoint, an independent third-party provider.

EthicsPoint will provide the Port with information provided in the report.


Office of the Port Auditor

P. O. Box 120488

San Diego, CA 92112-0488

Please include your contact information so we may contact you for further details if needed.

Non-Ethics Related Reporting

Trash/Maintenance, Parking, and Permits

For more efficient service, if your concern or question is about:

  • Trash & Maintenance 
  • Streets, Sidewalks & Lights 
  • Piers
  • Non-stormwater Discharge
  • Parking 
  • Park permits
  • Event venue booking
  • Filming/photography/drone permit
  • Please note: reporting non-ethics related issues to EthicsPoint will slow staff response.

Use our Service Portal






Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent provided by law.

The Port of San Diego will not retaliate, nor will it tolerate any retaliation against those, who, in good faith, report suspected ethics violations or who participate in an investigation of suspected ethics violations.

What Constitutes Fraud, Abuse and Waste?*

*Fraud, Abuse, and Waste at the Port are not limited to these examples.


Definition: An act of intentional deception, resulting in a loss to the Port of San Diego and/or gain (financial and/or other benefits) as a result.

  • Falsifying financial records (checks, drafts, promissory notes and securities) to conceal the theft of funds.
  • Misappropriation of Port furniture, fixtures and equipment to conceal theft.
  • Soliciting or accepting a bribe or kickback.
  • Falsifying employee information or claims for reimbursement of expenses.
  • Any computer related activity involving the alteration, destruction, forgery, or manipulation of data for fraudulent purposes.
  • Intentionally misrepresenting the costs of goods and services provided by the Port.


Definition: Intentional or unintentional destruction, diversion, manipulation, misapplication, maltreatment, or misuse of Port resources.

  • Making procurement or vendor selections that are contrary to existing Port policies.
  • Unauthorized use of Port vehicles.
  • Misuse of a Port employee's position to influence a Port decision.
  • Accepting gifts or gratuities by Port employees that are contrary to the Port's Code of Ethics.
  • Making travel choices that are contrary to existing Port travel policies.


Definition: Unnecessary or excessive expenses incurred due to mismanagement of Port resources and property.

  • Purchase of unneeded supplies or equipment.
  • Purchase of goods at inflated prices.