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Environmental Protection

  • Pollution Prevention
  • Soil and Sediment Remediation
  • Stormwater 
  • Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program
  • Copper Reduction Program
  • Alternative Hull Paints
a couple walks their dog along the water of the San Diego Bay
A white small boat glides along the San Diego bay

Copper Reduction Program

The Port’s Copper Reduction Program will help to improve water quality and reduce copper in San Diego Bay.




two children look at sea-life in a tank

Soil and Sediment Remediation

The Port of San Diego's Environmental Protection Department supports the Port's internal departments (Real Estate, Engineering, Safety and Marine Operations) on various environmental matters.



a storm water runoff channel


The urbanized areas around San Diego Bay and throughout the San Diego Bay Watershed require continual efforts to reduce or eliminate sources of pollution that can be carried by rainfall runoff to the bay.