Coronado Yacht Club Redevelopment Proposal Advances to Environmental Review
Contact: Brianne Page, 619.348.1518,
Conceptual renderings credit: Coronado Yacht Club. Image 1: post redevelopment; image 2: public access promenade and viewing platform; image 3: new youth sailing school and clubhouse.
The Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners has authorized Port staff to begin the environmental review process for a proposed redevelopment project for the Coronado Yacht Club.
The Coronado Yacht Club is proposing substantial improvements of their premises at 1631 Strand Way. The existing club and facilities date back nearly 80 years to 1947 when a government surplus building was moved to the site for use as the clubhouse. The club also has marina slips, parking, and landscaping.
The proposed project includes demolishing the existing clubhouse, parking lot and landscaping and building a new 17,000-square-foot two-story main clubhouse, a new youth sailing school center, and other landside improvements. The Coronado Yacht Club also plans to enhance public access by installing a new six-foot-wide public promenade and a viewing platform along the bayfront shoreline with spectacular views toward Glorietta Bay. Additional public benefits include providing improved event spaces for local community group meetings and activities.
“We are thrilled to advance the Coronado Yacht Club redevelopment project to the environmental review stage," said Commissioner Frank Urtasun, Coronado’s appointee to the Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners. "With no public funding, this proposal revitalizes a cherished community asset and enhances public access and engagement with our beautiful San Diego Bay. By modernizing the yacht club facilities, we are ensuring the yacht club continues to serve and inspire future generations."
“We appreciate the Port Commissioners moving our redevelopment plan to the next step,” said Ken Wilson, Commodore of Coronado Yacht Club. “This marks an important milestone in securing the Coronado Yacht Club’s future and preparing for sea level rise resilience, creating space to teach young sailors skills and love of the ocean environment, and showcasing Coronado and the Port of San Diego through major sailing events that draw national and international competition.”
Next Steps
The Coronado Yacht Club estimates that the substantial landside improvements will require a minimum investment by them of more than $18.5 million. Port staff and the Coronado Yacht Club will work together on commencing environmental review per the California Environmental Quality Act and the California Coastal Act. Public and stakeholder review opportunities will be available, including a presentation to the Port’s Accessibility Advisory Committee.
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The Port of San Diego serves the people of California as a specially created district, balancing multiple uses on 34 miles along San Diego Bay spanning five cities. Collecting no tax dollars, the Port manages a diverse portfolio to generate revenues that support vital public services and amenities.
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