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General Press Releases

POSTPONED: Grand Caribe Shoreline Park Erosion Stabilization Project Meeting

The Port of San Diego is postponing the Grand Caribe Shoreline Park Erosion Stabilization project workshop which had been scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at the Coronado Cays Yacht Club from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The decision was made to avoid scheduling conflicts.  

The Port appreciates the community’s patience as it works to reschedule the meeting. A new date and time will be announced as soon as possible.

About THE Port of San Diego

The Port of San Diego serves the people of California as a specially created district, balancing multiple uses on 34 miles along San Diego Bay spanning five cities. Collecting no tax dollars, the Port manages a diverse portfolio to generate revenues that support vital public services and amenities.

The Port champions Maritime, Waterfront Development, Public Safety, Experiences and Environment, all focused on enriching the relationship people and businesses have with our dynamic waterfront. From cargo and cruise terminals to hotels and restaurants, from marinas to museums, from 22 public parks to countless events, the Port contributes to the region’s prosperity and remarkable way of life on a daily basis.