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Lil Wrapper

From Lil Wrapper to littered wrapper. How does a promising snack star on the rise in east county, end up as a potential threat to innocent seahorses in #SanDiegoBay?



He was thrown or blown from a moving vehicle earlier this afternoon near the Laguna Mountains at the top of the watershed and witnesses were unable to catch him. We're told that a storm then began, and Lil Wrapper was swept into a storm drain with other debris.

We know you love your bay, you own it, you want to take care of it, it’s your number one priority; you are ready to change your relationship status to make it official. Okay, maybe that’s a bit much, but we all love San Diego Bay and want to be sure it stays the pristine natural resource it is for generations to come. When you visit, we want you to say to yourself, #ThatsMyBay! And sometimes, it just takes a simple reminder not to take your bay for granted. So the Port of San Diego is here with helpful tips and suggestions on how we can all do our part to keep our bay looking classy, not trashy!

Check yo waterway, before you wreck yo bay

We've just learned that Lil Wrapper has been lost in the San Diego Bay Watershed Management Area. He was thrown or blown from a moving vehicle earlier this afternoon near the Laguna Mountains at the top of the watershed and witnesses were unable to catch him. We're told that a storm then began, and Lil Wrapper was swept into a storm drain with other debris. Sadly, no one was able to pull the discarded snack packaging from the gutter in time. It is assumed that Lil Wrapper is now headed to San Diego Bay, the drainage point for stormwater, along with trash and debris, from a 440 square mile area. A source tells us Lil Wrapper is now officially being classified as litter. The whereabouts of his wooden popsicle stick  are still unknown at this time. A close friend of Lil Wrapper’s, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said he never wanted to be litter because he loved the bay. 


San Diego Bay Watershed Management Area


  • A watershed is a drainage basin where all precipitation drains into a common waterbody
  • The San Diego Bay Watershed Management Area actually consists of three smaller watersheds (called Hydrologic Units): Pueblo, Sweetwater and Otay – all three of which drain to San Diego Bay.
  • The watershed extends all the way east into the Laguna Mountains – meaning trash that is left outside anywhere between there and here, could end up in the Bay.

Click to view the San Diego Watershed map

How Big is Our Watershed?

  • The San Diego Bay Watersheds encompass 440 square miles
  • It is the largest watershed housed entirely within the county
  • Over one million people live in the San Diego Bay watersheds
  • Seven different cities, along with multiple regional and state authorities collaborate to keep our watershed clean

Learn about San Diego Bay Watershed Management Area (WMA)