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Mime Your Butts

MIke the Mime’s message is loud and clear - Mime Your Butts!



Meet Mike The Mime - He wants you to Mime Your Cigarette Butts

We know you love your bay, you own it, you want to take care of it, it’s your number one priority; you are ready to change your relationship status to make it official. Okay, maybe that’s a bit much, but we all love San Diego Bay and want to be sure it stays the pristine natural resource it is for generations to come. When you visit, we want you to say to yourself, #ThatsMyBay! And sometimes, it just takes a simple reminder not to take your bay for granted. So the Port of San Diego is here with helpful tips and suggestions on how we can all do our part to keep our bay looking classy, not trashy!

Mime your Butts! featuring Mike the Mime

Mike the Mime isn’t all talk - he walks the walk when it comes to putting cigarette butts in their place. There’s no butts about it - cigarette butts destroy the health of our bay’s marine life, and Mike the Mime can’t be silent about it any longer.


• Cigarette butts are the most prevalent form of litter on Earth.

• The Port of San Diego has installed 31 cigarette butt receptacles around San Diego Bay to make it easy to dispose of them properly.

• The cigarette butts will be recycled by TerraCycle, into plastic pellets, to ensure they stay out of our oceans.

• Over 4.5 trillion cigarettes are littered worldwide each year.

• 230,000 cigarette butts were collected from California beaches during a single Coastal Cleanup Day in 2000.

• The toxins from just 1 cigarette butt are enough to contaminate an entire liter of water, and cause harm to a fish
